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Welcome to COMMUNITY_NAME_ where words have expression, and where we as humans can gather to use our words to make a positive impact. The goal is to share life as a community while practicing creative writing (and other forms of creative endeavors), as well as use (or learn to use) our writing ability as a way to put our inner thoughts into a visible or audible form that bolsters the human soul and motivates confidence in one’s self and in others.

Within the confines of this community is a place for creative writings, poetry, photography, arts & crafts, pet, travel and truck camping content. Posts and comments can be inspired by copywritten material but per Locals policy, the content contributed must must be original. (Nothing copywritten) There will be some spiritual/religious content as my faith is an important part of who I am. All I ask is to keep the dialogue non-aggressive, civil and respectful.

Come on in. Have a look around. Perhaps give the community a follow. If you like what you see, or you think the content provided is of value in some way, you can subscribe to a membership for exclusive access to all the features, such as commenting and posting, and sharing your own creative writing. Or you can give a one-time donation! But only with a monthly subscription you will be able to take advantage of all the community’s Members Only features! The monthly amount is what Locals calls a ‘paywall’. It keeps the trolls and haters out and prevents Locals from getting censored.

A membership which gives access to exclusive content is set at a minimum of just $3.00 a month.

Much of my content will be open for followers. Posts such as my travel content that pertains to current adventures or specific locations, will only be for subscribers only.

Your support means the world to me and will ensure COMMUNITY_NAME_ can focus more on quality, rather than quantity, as this community grows and evolves. By chipping in each month, you’ll be promoting ideas and values you believe in, and you will be supporting the growth and flexibility of this community and that of Locals as we all navigate the future of an ever-changing digital landscape.

Contact me directly with ideas of what you would like to see as this community grows and expands!

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Members Only Exclusive Content:

Mottled Monday - Creative Writing Sessions -

Currently not doing this every week. Will consider doing this again in the future at least one Sunday a month. If/when Mottled Monday is resumed it will be free to view and like for followers. All other Mottled Monday posts during the month will be for Members Only. If anyone would like something like this, please let me know!

What is Mottled Monday? (For if/when it is resumed) A day set aside for the creative word-mottled minds of the world. A day dedicated to the practice of creatively expressing whatever you have reeling around in your brain, be it fictional or nonfictional, prose or poem. Photography or a picture of a creative endeavor (a physical piece of art, etc.) is welcome. Please include one or both of the following along with any photos posted: 1) a short description of your work (what is it, why you made it, etc.) and 2) a short creatively written paragraph related to the theme or subject of the photo or piece of art.

-In General-

Motley Murmur Members are invited to comment and/or share your own creative writings for the community to read and comment on. The subject of your writing does not have to relate to what I write. Content does not need to be solidly family friendly, but please use good and sound judgement concerning the topics posted and discussed. Please limit your creative posts and comments to no more than 5000 words, so to be respectful of each other’s time.

Members may also ask the community for critique if you are wanting to sharpen your writing skills. Please only provide construction criticism with respectful explanations. I look forward to reading your writings!

Community Guidelines

Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:

  • Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
  • No pornography
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy

Motley Murmurs Community | Powered by Locals